Q. What is St. Andrew's Giving Day?

St. Andrew's Giving Day is a day of giving fueled by the power of social media, collaboration, and community. St. Andrew's Giving Day is an initiative of St. Andrew's School.

Q. When is St. Andrew's Giving Day?

Giving Day is Thursday, November 2 from midnight to 11:59 p.m.

Q. How can I make a donation during St. Andrew's Giving Day?

Giving Day begins at 12:00 a.m. EDT on Thursday, November 2, 2023, at which time you will be able to make your gift via the St. Andrew's Giving Day website for the following 24 hours. You can also mail or drop an offline donation to the attention of the Development Office at St. Andrew’s School, 601 Penn Waller Road, Savannah, GA 31410. You will be able to support St. Andrew's Giving Day starting at 12 a.m. on Monday, October 31, 2023.

Q. Where do my donations go during Giving Day?

All gifts support the school’s Annual Fund. Annual Fund gifts have an immediate impact in supporting the greatest needs for our school and make a crucial difference in the lives of our students, faculty, and staff.

Q. How does my donation on Giving Day make a difference?

All donations, no matter the size, make a difference by supporting the Annual Fund and may be spent immediately on the most pressing needs. Having one day set aside for giving, allows us to come together as a community and reach our goal.

Q. Who offers matching funds and challenges during the day?

Local companies, alumni, parents, and friends take a leadership role by offering a match or challenge for our Giving Day campaign.

Q. What is the minimum donation amount during Giving Day?

All donations are important to the life of the school. However, there is a $10 minimum donation during Giving Day for online donations, but donations for any amount are accepted via check or cash at any of our front desks on campus.

Q. When will the matches and challenges for Giving Day be announced?

Challenges and friendly competitions for Giving Day will be announced throughout the event. 

Q. Can people living outside the USA make donations during Giving Day?

Yes. We certainly can accept gifts via the website! Donors who pay taxes in other countries should review local tax laws and regulations or consult a professional tax advisor regarding their generosity on St. Andrew's Giving Day.

Q. Is it safe to make a donation online during Giving Day?

Yes. The information collected during Giving Day is only used by St. Andrew’s School. It will not be sold or shared with any third-party organizations.

Q. Can I make a recurring donation during Giving Day?

You can make a recurring gift by visiting our main giving page.

Q. What information do we collect from you during Giving Day?

St. Andrew’s School is committed to securing the accuracy and privacy of your information. We use this website to collect personal contact information, and payment information. This information is used primarily to process your donations. In addition, your information may be used to create a record about you in our alumni and donor database, or to update your existing record. This information will be used for school-related activities only. Your credit card number is never stored in your donor record.

Q. Are there any service fees associated with Giving Day? How much of my donation will St. Andrew's receive?

There is a 3.5% processing fee and a 2.5% (+ $.30) bank fee for donations made using all major credit cards (MasterCard, Visa, Discover, or American Express). If you give over $100, you will have the option to give via ACH transfer, which incurs a 3.5% processing fee and flat $3.00 bank fee that replaces the credit card fee outlined above. If you would like to increase the size of your gift to offset the expense of processing fees, this option is available to you when you make your online donation. Your extra donation for this purpose is both welcomed and appreciated. Cash and check donations are accepted at the main office and incur no processing or platform fees.